Why Cancel Gmail?

Take control of your privacy. Establish your brand.

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No spam. Just helpful information.
Email flying landscape
The Problem with Gmail

Every Gmail address gives advertisers more control over the internet. 

And control over you. It's time to take a stand.

Why Your Email Matters

Understand the importance of privacy, independence, and decentralization

  • Important

    Future Proof Your Network

    Have you ever seen the Google graveyard? Why are you depending on them to maintain contact with your network!

  • Privacy is a Right

    Privacy is fundamental to a well-functioning society because it allows norms, ethics, and laws to be safely discussed and challenged.
  • Control Over Personal Information

    Google is letting you use their platform... for now. If they withdraw that privilege, it all goes poof!

Privacy-Friendly Alternatives

Prepare a privacy-friendly alternative in 5 minutes!
Purple background

ProtonMailSecure Email Based in Switzerland

Data is encrypted and can't be intercepted.
Dark red

TutanotaSecure Email in Germany

Your entire mailbox is encrypted and can't be intercepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Spread the Word

Help your friends unplug from the matrix too!

Run Your Own Business?

You need to free your brand from Google's control! Get Started below!


Want to Be Different?

Everyone and their brother has a gmail account. Time to stand out from the crowd!

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Ready to Get Started?

Enter your details below to get started with privacy-friendly alternatives.
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We respect your privacy. Your information will not be shared.

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Explore privacy-friendly alternatives below.

Privacy-Friendly Alternatives

Prepare a privacy-friendly alternative in 5 minutes!

User-Friendly Alternatives

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